Jul 7, 2024

Audio of September 9 & 16, 1972 Portland Wrestling Broadcast from Rich Patterson

 Rich Patterson recently shared that he had posted the audio from September 9 & 16, 1972.  Of course, back then, there was no way to record the shows at home.  Don Owen didn't keep recordings of any show. This was a great substitute.  Go give it a listen. Rich runs the Facebook group Fans of Portland Wrestling.  Go check it out if you aren't over there already!

This is Rich's description of the audio:

No video exists of Portland Wrestling in 1972, so this is the next best thing. This is audio from two shows of "Portland Wrestling" on September 9 & September 16, 1972. Includes are interviews with Haru Sasaki, Ricky Hunter, Dutch Savage, who gets attacked by Tony Borne & The Skull, Lonnie Mayne, Bull Ramos and some match play by play by legendary Portland Wrestling announcer, Frank Bonnema.

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