Somebody asked me recently who my favorite Portland Wrestler was.
If I haven't made it clear here, it was Steve Doll.
Part of it was that I was 12 in 1988 and pretty much every 12-year-old girl watching
Portland Wrestling in 1988 was infatuated with one of the Southern Rockers.
But, it was more than that. Besides the fact that he truly was a great wrestler to watch in
the ring, he was also a genuinely nice person.
He was always willing to sign an autograph, or take a photo, or just give me a hug.
I was a pest and bothered him A LOT. He NEVER once said no, he never acted annoyed.
I've talked before about getting to stay in the Sports Arena after everyone was kicked out for the night.
I would sit on the counter in front of the concession stand, right between Don Owen's office and the locker room. Every wrestler would walk by, and sometimes I would ask for a photo and I learned who would and who wasn't having it after the matches. I often learned just by their body language, who I shouldn't bother.
Even after the matches with an ice pack on his shoulder and looking visibly tired Steve still would
voluntarily come over to me and chit-chat or give me a hug, ask me if I had fun. Say things like, "Did you run out of film? Aren't we going to have a picture tonight?"
In 1988 my mom wrote him a letter asking him to come to our house for my birthday!
He didn't come, because he was at a charity event (He pretty much did those every single weekend.) but he did send his wife at the time. She brought over a few signed photos, front-row tickets for that night,
and a signed ring-worn bandana. The one I'm wearing in the photo. At an event a week later I was
buying my first Southern Rockers t-shirt and he told the gal taking the money that I didn't have to pay
because it was my birthday.
He lived in my neighborhood and I would see him at the grocery store, mall, movie theater, gym, etc.
He always waved or said hi. He just was always so nice to a super annoying kid, even
when he didn't have to be.
That's why he'll always be my favorite wrestler.
Rest In Peace Steve Doll
Dec. 9, 1960-March 22, 2009